In a heart-wrenching conversation, high school sophomore Arielle Bowling and her mother, Tabatha, opened up about the terrifying experience of surviving a school shooting at Apalachee High School.
Madelyn Anderle, a Dallas-based photographer, has always loved documenting life's special moments, but when she connected with Nic through Instagram DMs, their love story became a cinematic journey she couldn’t resist recording.
"We’ve given our girls permission to have an Instagram account, but are we teaching them how to appropriately represent themselves on the popular social media site?"
What might appear to be calamity was God’s intervention, His perfect timing. What would sensibly be titled a tragedy from a worldly perspective just seemed like a next step for kingdom purposes.
"One day, I kissed my husband goodbye and told him I loved him as he was leaving for work, only to receive a phone call several hours later... I instantly became a widow at the age of 25, with three precious boys under the age of three."
"Why not curtail the implications of Adam and Eve’s choice? What if—instead of completely poisoning the human race—eating this fruit just gave them explosive diarrhea for a year?"
Oh good grief. 'Guys,' I said, 'God isn't going to drop money on our doorstep so you two can get ice cream. He's BUSY right now with natural disasters.'