Exclusive Content:

Navigating the Pain of When Family Doesn’t Act Like Family: Strategies for Coping and Healing

Discover insights and coping strategies for navigating emotional turmoil when family doesn't act like family. Explore how to set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and find healing amidst complex family relationships.

Exposing the Top 10 Weirdest Episodes of ‘My Strange Addiction’

Explore the weirdest episodes of 'My Strange Addiction' that offer profound insights into human behavior and the complexities of addiction, from eating non-food items to forming unique attachments.

Why Did She Pick ‘Z’? Pat Sajak Uncovers Veteran’s Touching Motive on ‘Wheel of Fortune’

She chose Z and then X. He knew something was off...


My Husband Doesn’t Post Pictures of Me on Social Media

I've been with my husband for over 6 years, and I've never once been his "Woman-crush Wednesday."

“Just Hours Shy of Our Wedding, at 5 1⁄2 Months Pregnant, My Fiancé Assaulted Me. I Watched a 6’4 and 220lb Man Sit in...

"When I got pregnant, we believed we should get married because as ‘Christians’ it was the thing to do."

“Dad It’s Weird, I Think I Pooped My Pants. Minutes Later, It Hits Me. That’s Not Poop!”: Dad Turns into the ‘Period Fairy’ After...

"I’m racing to the school while calling them telling the nurse to 'go find my child!' Speeding and having a panic attack because my child called me for help and I just left her to die on the battlefield!"

“I Looked Over to His Side of the Bed. I Realized He Would Never Be There Again”: Wife Shares the Painful Reality of Unending...

"I fell to my knees, and then to my back. It came from up from my gut. I could almost physically feel it moving to the top of my abdomen, to my chest, into my neck and then my head. I cannot describe the pain. It was like my soul was slowly being ripped away from my body."

God Lives in the NICU

"He will always be where he is needed. He will always be where he is welcomed."

Mom With COVID-19 Calls Teacher Before Going Into Labor, Teacher Takes Baby Home With Her to Stop It From Contracting the Virus

The nurses at the hospital asked my friend if she was the mother’s sister, or perhaps, a cousin as she was listed as the primary contact, Luciana Lira responded, “I'm just a teacher.”

1st Grader Picks Out Green Dress for Picture Day—The Results Leave Mom Cry-Laughing

“This is the story of a little girl’s love of a green dress, a mother who tries to instill independence, and how those two things came together in the most epic and brilliant combination possible."

“God Created Science”: Scientist Who Studied Genetics Demolishes Evolutionists’ Arguments

“Christians have a reasoned faith. I think a lot of people characterize Christians as having a blind faith. I’m a scientist. I love science. God created science."