“It just wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right. I am looking at 3 dead babies. How is this God’s plan?” she wrote in a Facebook post shared by Love What Matters. “I don’t know but I know it is and I trust in it,” she continued. “He knows better than I and He has greater plans for me than I could ever imagine. I know He is good and I know He is faithful. I’m happy my babies are with Him and that I will see them again one day.”

Fantastic Four: Green Quadruplets
Read Kayla’s heartbreakingly beautiful “roller coaster ride” from grief to the celebration of their ‘little miracle that made it’ below:
Man. Where do I start? The last 2 weeks and 3 days have been an insane roller coaster ride. I literally can’t put into words all the emotions I have felt and continue to feel each and every day. I have never in my life felt this kind of pain. Pain that seems like it will never go away. It is excruciating! I wouldn’t wish this kind of pain of my worst enemy.
I was admitted to Erlanger Hospital on a Thursday night to start my hospital bedrest. I assumed I would be in the hospital for several weeks, maybe even months while I awaited the arrival of my sweet babies. I was 24 weeks and 4 days pregnant with quadruplets so I knew it was the best place for me to be. That night/early morning, I started having contractions. They started out being around 20 minutes or so apart and not too painful. I was handling it well. I didn’t wake Kenny up and I didn’t tell the nurse until hours later. I was just trying to be tough I guess. The nurse came in and I finally told her I was having contractions.
I already had the monitor on so she was watching closely and told me to let her know if they got worse. I couldn’t sleep so I turned on the tv and watched ESPN for awhile. Kenny woke up and I told him how bad the contractions were and how bad I was hurting. He told me I needed to let the nurse know. I waited a little while and the Doctor came in so I told her how bad they were and she immediately wanted to check the monitor and see what was going on. I guess the monitor wasn’t picking them up like I was feeling them so they moved it around a little to try and see exactly what was going on.
About an hour later, I had to go for an ultrasound where they checked my cervix and also measured the babies. The babies looked pretty good and they seemed to all be over 500 grams except Kinsley. But I wasn’t worried. I knew she’d be ok. My cervix however did not look good. I also found out I was dilated 2cm so I was scared but knew I would be ok. They moved me to a different room immediately and started me on a Magnesium drip to slow down labor. That was rough stuff let me tell you! It made me have a little episode where my blood pressure dropped and I was panicking a little. I was sweating, felt like I was going to throw up, couldn’t breathe well, had blurred vision, and just felt very sick. It was not fun!