Exclusive Content:

Jimmy Carter: A Life of Faith, Service, and Legacy

Longest-living President Jimmy Carter has lived an incredible life rooted in deep Christian faith. From his time as the 39th President of the United States to his global humanitarian efforts, Jimmy Carter's legacy is one that honors God and country.

Lauren Daigle Returns to the ‘American Idol’ Stage That Rejected Her to Sing Multi-Platinum Hit “Look Up, Child”

Lauren Daigle returned to 'American Idol' to perform her hit song "Look Up, Child" for millions of fans—some in the audience and some watching from home.

How to Instantly Clear a Stuffy Nose with This One Simple Hack

Learn how to clear a stuffy nose instantly with a simple hack, plus additional tips to relieve nasal congestion and breathe easier.

Nicole Merritt

Nicole Merritt is a mother of three, a freelance writer, co-host of I Am The Worst Parent Ever Podcast and the Owner and Founder of jthreeNMe; an imperfectly authentic peek at real-life marriage, parenting, and self-improvement. jthreeNMe is raw, honest, empowering, inspiring, and entertaining; it’s like chicken soup for those that are exhausted, over-stressed and under-inebriated, yet still utterly happy. Nicole's work has been featured by NBC's TODAY Show, Love What Matters, Scary Mommy, The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, CafeMom, Popsugar, Motherly & many others. You can follow Nicole at jthreeNMe.com and as @jthreeNMe on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter!

May We All Raise Dollar Tree Children

I'm raising a Dollar Tree princess, who moonlights as Batman, likes to smell like Barbie, brush her teeth with ninja turtles, rock sunglasses of every color of the rainbow, buy bandaids like they are going out of style and break rubber bands like it's her job.

We Are Forgetting About Our Boys. And That’s Not OK.

"Article after article is about our daughters and how dire it is for us to raise them to be strong, self-sufficient, and capable. But, please hear this. I have a boy too."

Today I Took a Picture of Myself in a Bikini

"My daughter would question me as to why I wasn’t wearing a two-piece bathing suit. I would tell her 'Mommy just doesn’t feel comfortable in it,' and when she would push for me to explain what I meant I would just deflect the conversation and bring up a new topic."

“Do You Ever Think You Look Good, And Then You’re Like ‘Holy Moly I Ate Too Much Gaucamole?'”

"I felt embarrassed. Embarrassed that after a year and a half of four to five days a week at the gym, I now look like this, ashamed at how I've 'let myself go' since the pandemic started."

Ladies, Here Are 10 Things You Should Stop Caring About ASAP

Sister, we are far beyond the years of caring about these petty things.

“The Last Thing I Wanted to Do Was Hug Her. She Just Bit Me. And Screamed at Me”: Mom Eats ‘Humble Pie,” Embraces Daughter...

“The last thing I wanted to do was hug her. She had just bit me. And screamed at me. And did that thing where she makes an...

I Saw Lots of Mom Bods on Vacation. They All Had One Thing in Common.

"Own your imperfections!" they command. "Be you!" they exclaim. And then you read the very fine print which says that "mom bods" are on trend, but if, and only if...

Do I Send My Child Back to Their Brick-and-Mortar School Because They Want to Go, Or Do I Keep Them Home Because I Want...

If that sounds dramatic, it just might be. Or perhaps it’s not. And that’s the dang conundrum that’s got us parents so perplexed about the true ‘right’ thing to do.