Ladies… Don’t settle. Wait. Pray. Trust.
There is a man who will seek your heart like God intends.
There is a man that will pursue you daily with his words and actions.
There is a man who will listen to your brokenness.
There is a man who will make you feel safe.
There is a man that will calm your fears.
There is a man who will love your story no matter what it may consist of.
There is a man who will accept all of your quirks and antics.
There is a man that will pray with you and over you.
There is a man who will make you feel beautiful daily.
There is a man who will make you smile every day and laugh continuously.
There is a man that will fight for you.
There is a man who never make[s] you question his love for you.
There is a man who will affirm you.
There is a man who will support your dreams — no matter how big or wild they may be.
There is a man who will make you believe in forever.
There is a man who will commit himself to you and make a promise before the Lord.
Wait. Don’t settle for less…ever.
And please — Don’t ever think that you will change the heart of a man that is not these things. You can’t. You won’t.
If it’s not these things, it’s most likely not a God thing — which is not a good thing.
When this man finds you — listen to the Lord and be the woman he has called you to be to that man.
This is when you will be blessed.