I felt my heart drop. “He doesn’t?”
“No,” she continued, “she abandoned him when he was a baby. His grandparents are raising him.”
I gave her a look that said my heart was broken as the line began to move. It was time to board the bus.
My heart broke for Jason, for all that he has lost. I cannot imagine my life without the loving influence and guidance of my wonderful mother.
My heart broke for Jason’s mom, for all that she was missing. Did she even know? Was she happy with her choice, or did she secretly long for snuggles and hugs and “I love you’s” that her son gave ME that day? Whether she knows it or not, the loss is truly hers.
We got back to the classroom and immediately it was time to go home. I got my son ready to go and we headed for the door. I saw Jason sitting oh his carpet square obediently waiting for his grandma to arrive. As I turned back toward him, his eyes LIT UP. I approached him and gave him a big hug.
“Thank you for being such a sweet buddy today,” I said.
He smiled.
Jason is in my heart now and in my prayers. I am thankful he has loving grandparents, but I pray that we can keep connecting with him even after the school year is over so that he might be able to get some extra love and family time within our home.
And this I know: he doesn’t have a mom, but he has a loving Father. One who has promised to take the place of parents for those who have been abandoned. I pray Jason can come to know Him, too, and have what he’s lost be redeemed. Will you pray that with me, too?